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Episode 4   " working the streets."

Some people don't know what the term "Work The Streets" means, some think it means doing a couple charity work, cleaning up your street, you know, doing some community service. How ever, Around these zones like mine in Africa, working the streets means doing what niqqas do. men work the streets in there own fashion, Locally. The real question is. What really do niqqas do?.
The streets has piled up quit a list of work. as a huge employer of labor in that sense, Ganja farming, work seeking charity donations (WSCD), web understanding, credit card processing all in the list. as these may sound like legal jobs, they are not.
OT'Wire, an up coming artist known for rapping in his indigenous language did a song every one was dancing to with its own moves. He said "young niqqas Get yourself a laptop and your problems are solved automatically." He was arrested by the law enforcement agencies with the charge for being a fraudstar and inciting fraudulent acts among youths. His arrest skyrocketed him to a totally different page because he became the talk of the day. He was interrogated live on TV and when he was asked what he meant in his song, simply he said. "with a laptop, one could learn skills like web programming and design, data analysis and lookup online job opportunities." Fact was, everybody understood what he meant in his song. It basically meant "working the streets" but the authorities couldn't justify their allegations against him. So he, OT'wire was released without conditions. And on the day he was released, his fans mounted loud speakers around the station, playing the same damn song.

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