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Showing posts from January 19, 2020

Clad In Thoughts

I placed me In my thought, a large balcony covered with leaves, and long straws, with colourful petals growing on numerous stems that sprouted, cloudy over my head it was with bright light rays piercing the clouds. Like a garden, the balcony was pleasant with it's smell. At a corner sat a chair I saw myself sitting in as comfortable as my brain could imagine; warm, soft, clean and pleasant.  "Hmm, I could sit there for years" myself in my thoughts thought to itself.  Right inside my thought was the girl I liked standing at a corner the size of a rice grain whom a me adored so much. At another corner stood another me like a grain working so hard as though it was trying to build a V12 engine on AI. At another corner was another grain me marking my own exam scripts correcting my mistakes and scoring myself high as I marked. Then at another corner was another grain me barking at the top of its voice at a grain who seemed like the president, arms crossed, face frowned, seeming...