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episode 8 - 'Some Authority shit'.
At a time , when young people found something to keep themselves busy came so much outburst and disgust from authorities within the country. so while they (young people) were busy reaping off some cool easy cash with less stress and mild work, "something called working the street," living loud and noisy, they became potential targets for the Efcc and most especially the Police, and also small security units in each state within the country, my statistics has it that, out of every seven male adults from ages 18 to 30, at least one "worked the street".. now who's checking? At this time, it was forbidden for young males to wear deadlocks, ear rings, and tattoos; basically looking dope and fly was being frowned at by these authorities then to make things worse for you, get spotted with all these in a car and be below the age 24 and you'll be tagged a "fraudster." here's the irony; the authorities thinks with the condition the country is in a young adult can't be that successful.. that's some dead pessimistic and shallow minded officers if you will ask anyone and at some point, it began to piss Nigerians off. so here; I was looking all fly on a cool calm evening in my hoodie, plain black gean and fendi footwear "at least that's the design on it" and my freshly prepared dreadlocks. I already thought I was inviting enough officers already but I wanted to be sure before I made my final judgement. And yeas the "hey you" came from one of the officers at a check point, it sounded so deep and frustrating to me like I was the source of their problems. then invasion of privacy, when I tried to resist came a fat slap on my face and my dreadlocks where cut short and I paid some ridiculous amount. and when I reported to a higher authority, the official in charge of the unit simply said In he's statement "the officers who did that are not our men"..

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